Tag: multiplication

Elliptic curves: double and add

Written by Dominik Joe Pantůček on 2018-05-03

Last time we have shown how to perform scalar multiplication of point on elliptic curve in simple Weierstrass form over a finite field. We have also shown that all the required properties hold for all rational points of the curve - which is a good thing. The problem we have not tackled yet is the complexity of the scalar multiplication operation. Today we are about to present a method of performing fast scalar multiplication in which the complexity of the operation grows much slower than the size of the scalar.


Elliptic curves: scalar multiplication revisited

Written by Dominik Joe Pantůček on 2018-04-19

Applying the scalar multiplication to points on elliptic curves over finite fields works the same way as over real numbers. The difference is that over a finite field, the operation can actually be - and it is - used for some real-world cryptography. If we look at the operation in detail, we also find some interesting features which may help or complicate things a bit when it comes to implementing such cryptography. This week we show how it works.


Elliptic curves: multiplication by scalar

Written by Dominik Joe Pantůček on 2018-04-12

As we are heading towards the actual cryptography using elliptic curves, we need to define an operation that allows us to combine numbers and points. This operation is called scalar multiplication and allows us to - yes - multiply a point by a scalar value (that is - a number). Using this technique, we are getting closer to the ultimate goal of using elliptic curves for some cryptography to secure our online communication.
