
Contact Information

Trustica s.r.o.
Husinecká 903/10
130 00 Praha 3, Žižkov
Czech Republic
ID: 26514362
Registered in the business registry of the Municipal court in Prague, folder C, inset 86954.


If you are looking for our services, write us an e-mail to the address “sales AT trustica DOT cz” (spamcrawlers – please, send your offers to , our spam filter is waiting for them). Please note that we are providing very specific services and if you do not need those, we are probably not the right place to ask.

Helpdesk, Technical Support

Our customers can use the e-mail address for quickly reaching our helpdesk. There you will get answers to any questions you might have.

For customers with on-call support, you can find the phone number in your contract.

Invoices and Payments

Ever lost an invoice we sent you? Do you have an inquiry about the bill? We are happy to help you – just write an e-mail to address “billing AT trustica DOT cz”.

Unsolicited Business Offers

We are sorry to inform you we are not interested in any unsolicited business offers. Should such unsolicited e-mail arrive into any mailbox mentioned on this website, we will immediately pass it over to our spam filtering system which will ensure such unfortunate event will not occur again. Thank you for your understanding.